Meadowbrook Legal Group – FDCPA

Financial challenges such as crushing debt often result from other stressful unforeseen life challenges. No matter what lead to the problem and irrespective of what you are doing to fix the situation, assertive debt collectors only make matters worse. Nevertheless, you may be surprised to learn that the law extends you quite a bit of protection against debt collector harassment.

These protections are accessible to you via the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and Meadowbrook Legal Group will work to make sure you are protected from debt collectors who are violating the FDCPA.

FDCPA Violations. What are they?

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) took steps to stop debt collector harassment in 2015. They began coordinating initiatives at the local, state, and federal level which are defined in 15 U.S. Code § 1692a. The law regulates all contacts with or from debt collectors including phone calls, voice messages and documents. It also acts to assure fair debt collection and provide procedures for debtors to validate and dispute debt information.

The FDCPA defines how debt collectors can collect debts. Explicitly, it prohibits collection efforts that are abusive, deceptive, and unfair, of which examples include:

  • Profane or abusive language at any time.
  • Falsely implying connections they do not have or actions they are not prepared to take.
  • Early-morning or late-night phone calls
  • Calls that continue after the debtor has demanded in writing that they stop
  • Threats such as taking legal action they cannot take or to arrest the debtor
  • Failure to authenticate the debt
  • Failure to identify themselves as a debt collector
  • Applying unauthorized fees or interest
  • Contact with third parties in which they discuss the debt


The FDCPA rules above only relate to consumer debts. Examples of the debts types which are applicable include student loans, credit card debts, personal loans, car loans, mortgages, and utility bills.


Managing Creditor Harassment Situations

The abusive practices of many debt collection agencies can be halted by your legal representation. With an attorney on your team, the harassment could be stopped, and you do not have to deal with it alone. Once you have legal representation, your creditors will be required to contact Meadowbrook Legal Group directly so you can reclaim your life and start working towards a debt free future.

Debt is stressful enough without harassment and mistreatment. Meadowbrook Legal Group will support you through the whole process and inform you of your rights and options through our no-obligation case evaluation.