We understand how worrying it is when you find yourself having debt problems. Regardless of why you cannot meet your financial obligations, debt collector harassment worsens this frustrating situation. Even when you notify the collectors that you are struggling and working hard to find a solution, it often does not stop the frequent abuse.
What can you do? Meadowbrook Legal Group can assist and begin to deal directly with the creditors on your behalf to find a solution.
Generally, people believe they have two main options when suffering from overwhelming debt; Bankruptcy or continuing to struggle. There is a third option available that you may not realize which is debt negotiation. This middle ground solution could be the right choice in many cases and involves coming to an agreement negotiated by an experienced debt lawyer.
Your creditors could be open to this and understand that it is often in their interest to settle because other solutions are riskier and more expensive for them to pursue. Negotiations could result in a change of payment terms or a reduced amount to resolve the debt and it will be a binding agreement when handled by your legal representation. Another benefit to you is that during the process of negotiations the harassment by collectors could be stopped.
If you determine that debt negotiation is right for you, our team will work with you to create a plan based on your budget and will present this to your creditors. It is difficult to estimate the time frames for this process as it can be complicated and have many steps and people involved in coming to an agreement. When the negotiations end and an agreement is reached your debts will be paid based on the new terms and they will be considered settled.
Though you can make an attempt to negotiate a debt with your creditors on your own, obtaining the services of a lawyer to work on your behalf ensures the process is completely legal and protects you from potential creditor actions in the future. As well, when your creditors are notified that Meadowbrook Legal Group represents you, all further communication must be directly with us which can put a stop to any further harassment.
Meadowbrook Legal Group can negotiate almost all unsecured debts, including medical debts, credit card debt, personal loans, cash advances and even some types of utility bills. Secured debts are not normally able to be negotiated so we can discuss other options if your debt situation includes this type of debt. You can schedule a no-obligation case evaluation with our advisors at Meadowbrook Legal Group and start your debt relief process. Contact us now and learn more about your options for negotiating and settling debts.