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About Meadowbrook Legal Group

The current statistics from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York show that Americans level of personal debt totals over $4 trillion dollars. Of this amount, more than 65 percent is consumer debt with the remainder being mortgages. Widespread debt from credit Cards, Student Loans, Medical Debt, and many other forms are being carried by people in all age groups and income categories, so it is not unusual that many are struggling with their financial situation.

Meadowbrook Legal Group’s team of lawyers work with you in developing and managing a wide range of situation specific solutions to provide relief from this debt and change your current financial path.

Debt Management Solutions and choosing the best option.

A debt management solution involves working with a knowledgeable third party to develop a structed plan, whether formally through the courts or by direct negotiation, to relive a debtor of their financial burdens. Making the right decision about a complex topic with many options can be difficult even when circumstances are ideal. When debt is piling up and creditors are harassing you, deciding what to the best thing to do is even more challenging. An experienced debt solutions advisor from Meadowbrook Legal Group has the knowledge to assist you and will work to find the right solution for your specific situation.

Through the courts, consumers have two primary Bankruptcy options in order to receive relief from their debts, both of which can be highly effective debt managements strategies. The first type of Bankruptcy, which is called Chapter 7, involves a trustee who will liquidate your assets other than those that are exempt. The funds raised will be used towards paying your debts and then discharging any debt that was not paid for by the liquidation proceeds. Alternatively, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy may be the right option for you if you have income that would cover your obligations if they were restructured and payments made over a period of 3 to 5 years would be manageable.

Consumers are safeguarded from unfair, deceptive, and harassing debt collection practices by the FDCPA. Whenever you are contacted by a debt collector, make sure that you examine your rights under this act to be sure they have not been breached. All forms of consumer debt are covered by the FDCPA including student loans, mortgages, credit card debt, auto loans and medical bills. Lawyers at Meadowbrook Legal Group have extensive knowledge of all aspects related to the FDCPA and will work to make sure your rights are protected.

If you have considered Bankruptcy and found it not to be applicable to your situation there are other options. Debt negotiation may be the best place to start and could potentially settle your debt for a fraction of the amount you currently owe. Experienced lawyers at Meadowbrook Legal Group will negotiate for you, working to have your creditors agree to new terms which will allow for the settlement of your debts.

You may not always be able to come to an agreement with your creditors and they may decide to use litigation against you at any time. When this happens, it is serious and ignoring it will not make things better. To achieve the best result possible while protecting your rights you need to have your case defended by a skilled debt attorney.

Call Meadowbrook Legal Group today. We can help you find the right solution to your debt and protect your rights during the process. Your first consultation is free of obligation so act now.